Harris Tweed Information

Brief history of Harris Tweed

For the full story please visit the Harris Tweed Authority or click  here

Another really good source of information on the Harris Tweed story has been written by Helen Voce to Visit click here

In 1846, Lady Dunmore, widow of the landowner of Harris, the Earl of Dunmore, had the clan tartan replicated by Harris weavers in tweed. The results proved so successful that she began to devote much time and effort to marketing the tweed to her wealthy friends further afield.

1964 Lord Hunter ruled that the terms of the 1934 definition must be observed. Which later in 1993 created the passing of the Harris Tweed act of Parliament. This is the story

The Types of Weaves

A brief description and photo examples of the different weaves that I woven but I am keen to try new weaves to create new patterns.


This is a type of twill forming a v shape in the fabric and the style is :


A very traditional weave forming 2 threads linked by 2 alternating threads forming an almost diamond shape

Barleycorn Wave

The same draft as a Barleycorn but different tappets used to form wavy lines in the fabric


This can be a plane twill , A 4 by 4 twill, A 8 by 8 twill

Tappet weave

For this is a new area for me and will be producing a video soon and more photos but here is more information on the tappet weaves.

What are the Tappets?

Tappets control the board position or the timing of the opening and closing of the warp. Combining the threading of the warp through the heddles with the movement of the boards will determine the pattern.

A standard 4 tappet weave

Most looms weaving Harris Tweed have the tappets  set to 1&2,2&3,3&4,1&4 ie producing a standard 4 tappets weave, although other variations of up to 24 tappets can be used. Changing the tappets is a slow and time consuming task and makes the loom harder to pedal and the tweed longer to weave.

Why add more tappets?

Adding additional tappets creates interesting patterns and designs. And will greatly increase the range of existing tweeds produced in the future

General information

4 large accessory Harris Tweed Labels will be supplied with each 1 metre length of Harris Tweed. Should alternative labels be required please use one of the contact links to advise at the time of ordering. Please visit the Harris Tweed Authority page for more information on the use of Labels or go to the download page.


Local and international postage is available. Unless requested otherwise, all tweed is UK posted first class, and International track and trace. Shipping of larger pieces can be arranged. Customers are Responsible for all customs charges.    


Pricing- Prices for my tweed may change without notice.



Latest Tweeds

HB423 – E01 (Sold in 50cm lengths)

Original price was: £19.50.Current price is: £18.00. Add to cart

HB1223 – E01 (Sold in 50cm lengths)

Original price was: £19.50.Current price is: £18.00. Add to cart

PL21 – D10 (Sold in 50cm Lengths)

Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £12.50. Add to cart

PL21 – D08 (Sold in 50cm Lengths)

Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £12.50. Add to cart